What’s so great about being a certified B Corp?

After two years of ‘pending’ status, when we received the good news that Growth Animals is now B Corp certified, there was a brief moment of reflection where we thought, “will it turn out to have been worth the wait?” When I asked for contributors for my article called ‘What’s so great about being a certified B Corp’, the outpouring of support we received from the B Corp community suggests it will turn out to be every bit the forward thinking and generous community we’d hoped.

So, although my initial intention was to interview just one B Corp leader, consistent with my previous articles, I have instead unashamedly compiled a ‘more than one minute’ selection of the many fine points made by fellow B Corp leaders. Here’s what they said makes being a B Corp so great:

Actions not Words: Many businesses love to talk about the good things that they do but is it just marketing? Being a B Corp is not about talk. It is about doing what you say. It is about action. To back this, the first thing B Corps have to do is change their constitution to ensure that the planet and its people are at least equal to shareholders. Kresse Wesling CBE – Elvis & Kresse

It’s a Challenge: The B Impact Assessment is a serious undertaking, but time and resources are a challenge for any business regardless of size. One of the good things about the whole B Corp certification is that it’s not actually something that’s easy to get. Ben Matthews – Empower Agency

Brand Credibility: Being a B Corp has done wonders for the credibility and trust in our brand. You can say many great things about what your company does, but to actually have that internationally recognised backing makes a real difference. Greg Hemmings – Hemmings House

The Community: The global B Corp community is the most giving and collaborative group of people I’ve ever met. I’m inspired every day by the work they do. Being part of a movement that’s making a positive difference is so motivating. Tim Frick – Mightybytes

Leadership Opportunities: Since becoming a B Corp, I’ve had the opportunity to partake in meaningful leadership opportunities to expand my professional impact. Being part of the WeTheChange Leadership Council has enabled me to champion ethical women leaders. Jennifer Norman – The Human Beauty Movement

Continuous Improvement: You have a duty to hold the pillars B Corp value and promote them within your business. You don’t simply stop trying once you’ve achieved accreditation, you look for ways to continuously improve and of course, are regularly reevaluated. Phoebe Ellis – First Wealth

Environment Protection: We all want to help protect the environment and being a B Corp makes you accountable for how you use your resources and positively impact the environment around you. It can inspire even simple aspects like water usage or weekly litter-picking excursions. Deb Simmonds – Kingdom & Sparrow

How it makes you FEEL: Being B Corp certified makes me spring out of bed every day (and I am NO spring chicken!), keen to explore how we can help even more businesses better understand and improve their impact on their people and planet. Donna Okell – UK for Good

This summary represents a mere snapshot of the many elements B leaders wanted to wax lyrical about in relation to why B Corp is so great. But as with anything successful, there are also B Corp sceptics out there and it certainly isn’t for everyone. For me one of the great successes of B Corp, is that it has inspired a wide range of alternatives for businesses looking to showcase their ethical credentials. For example, they are more accessible, or more single mindedly focused on a single issue, such as the environment or diversity, equity and inclusion. It means that whatever your purpose or strategy may be, there is likely the right certification or accreditation option out there for you.

If you’d like to explore whether becoming a B Corp is the right strategy for your brand, please enquire here

If you’ve got a story and would like to feature on the Ethical Marketing Minute, contact Chris